This is my first blog post! It's really being made so that I can test the website with it, but I suppose I can outline some more of my intentions will this website here.

I intend on using this website as a place where I can centralize all my interests and talk about them! Lately, I've been interested in things like Linux, cyber security, VR, synthesizers and general music production, etc etc... So you can expect to see a lot of topics that align with those sorts of topics! Definitely no limit on where I'll go here, though. I'm into loads of things from technology, to philosophy, to terrarium keeping and... Loads.

Lately I've been doomer-pilled on AI and corporations taking over the internet, so I'm doingt what I think will make me feel better about that. That is, my part in keeping the more vibrant areas of the internet alive. I'm excited to get started!